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Report, studi e dichiarazioni ufficiali.

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change

IPCC, 2022

Global Energy Monitor, 2022

Rapporto sulle condizioni di pericolosità da alluvione in Italia e indicatori di rischio associati

ISPRA, 2021

The Glasgow Climate Pact (advance version)

COP26, 2021

Warming Projections Global Update

Climate Action Tracker – Climate Analytics – Next Climate Institute, 2021

Geophysical constraints on the reliability of solar and wind power worldwide

Nature Communications, 2021

2021 Production Gap Report


Pre-COP26 Chairs’ Summary

COP26, 2021

World Energy Outlook 2021

IEA, 2021

Youth4Climate Manifesto

Youth4Climate, 2021

COP26 Special Report on Climate Change and Health

WHO, 2021

Nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement

UNFCC, 2021

Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health

The British Medical Journal, 2021

Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis

IPCC, 2021

Le proposte di Legambiente e SISEF per governare il fenomeno degli incendi estremi in un contesto di cambiamento climatico

SISEF/Legambiente, 2021

World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2021

BioScience, 2021

ISPRA per la salute

ISPRA, 2021

Photovoltaics Report

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, 2021

L’oceano e la criosfera in un clima che cambia

SISC, 2021

Sustainable Recovery Tracker - Monitoring progress towards sustainable recoveries from the Covid-19 crisis

IEA, 2021

Rapporto sugli indicatori di impatto dei cambiamenti climatici in Italia

SNPA, 2021

Lo squilibrio energetico della Terra è raddoppiato: lo studio congiunto Nasa-Noaa

Icona Clima, 2021

Net Zero by 2050 - A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector

IEA, 2021

IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change


WMO Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update for 2021–2025

WMO, 2021

Quarto Rapporto sullo Stato del Capitale Naturale in Italia

Comitato per il Capitale Naturale, 2021

Arctic Climate Change Update 2021: Key Trends and Impacts

AMAP, 2021

Guterres: raggiungere zero emissioni per evitare il disastro climatico

UN News, 2021

Lancet Countdown report 2020

The Lancet, 2021


Statement by Frans Timmermans

European Commission, 2020

SOED - State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean

UN Environment Programme, 2020

The Global Risks Report 2021

Word Economic Forum, 2021


Il Green Deal conviene. Benefici per economia e lavoro in Italia al 2030

EStà, 2020

Emissions Gap Report 2020

UNEP, 2020


The European environment - state and outlook 2020

EEA, 2020

Sustainable Recovery

IEA, 2020


Analisi del Rischio - I cambiamenti climatici in Italia

CMCC, 2020

Strategia UE sulla biodiversità per il 2030

EC, 2020

CMCC Annual Report 2019

CMCC, 2020


L’andamento delle emissioni nazionali di gas serra

ISPRA, 2020

EU climate law: MEPs want to increase 2030 emissions reduction target to 60%

European Parliament, 2020

Un paese che brucia. Cambiamenti climatici e incendi boschivi in Italia

SISEF – Greenpeace, 2020

OBSERVER: European State of the Climate 2019: a year of weather in the context of climate change

Copernicus, 2020

WMO, i cambiamenti climatici hanno accelerato negli ultimi 5 anni

SNPA, 2020

IPCC Special Report: Climate Change and Land

IPCC, 2019

Report IPCC

Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°

IPCC, 2019

Air quality in Europe 2019

EEA, 2019

Emissions Gap Report 2019

Emissions Gap Report 2019

UN Environment Programme, 2019

Global Climate in 2015–2019

Global Climate in 2015–2019

WMO, 2019

Statement onthe State of the Global Climate in 2019

Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019

WMO, 2019

Lancet Countdown report 2019

The Lancet, 2019

Report IPCC

Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

IPCC, 2019

Gli indicatori del clima in Italia nel 2018

Gli indicatori del clima in Italia nel 2018

ISPRA, 2019

Global Climate Risk Index 2020

GermanWatch, 2019

I reati contro ambiente e paesaggio - I dati delle procure

ISTAT, 2018

CMC Italia

Un gruppo di esperti a supporto di media e ricercatori nella comunicazione dei cambiamenti climatici